How to properly clean your dog?

cleaning dog

Like humans, dogs also experience skin conditions that may cause itchiness, odor, redness and even wounds. Dogs require grooming and bathing with a frequency that depends on their coat and skin health.

For example, dogs without any dermatological issues benefit from a bath at least couple of times a year or when they get dirty. On the other hand, dogs with skin issues may require frequent bathing and may benefit from specific kind of medicated shampoos. If a dog has a skin problem, it should be discussed with a veterinarian.

The veterinarian will examine the dog’s skin during a regular check-up but there is possibility that skin abnormalities to be developed between check-ups. If such abnormalities are noticed during grooming then the dog must be examined by veterinarian as soon as possible.

Abnormalities such as stronger odor may result in itching. The itching may irritate the skin and may result to wounds. Dogs with longer fur are more vulnerable to fleas or maggots that may remain hidden under their fur. This creatures may cause skin damage, infection or even death. If a dog has any of this issues, then a visit to a specialist in veterinary dermatology is a must.

Also, important part of dog’s hygiene is to make sure that the ears are clean. Most of us bathe our dogs in order to maintain the coat but be advised that clean ears are important as coat maintaining.When cleaning dog’s ears, a cotton ball soaked with veterinarian-approved ear cleanser is a must.

The cotton ball needs to be placed near the dog’s ear canal and then with a gently massage it will deliver the solution along the length. Additional cotton ball might be used in order to wipe out the excess fluids afterwards.No matter does your four-legged furry friend enjoys or not, proper hygiene is very important to keep him healthy.


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