Few words about Brittany Dog with Mr. Stefan Jovanović


The Brittany is a hunting dog bred primarily for bird hunting. We wanted to know more about this dog, and we have asked Mr. Stefan Jovanović, a hunter and long-time breeder of this breed to give us exclusive interview.

Good day, Mr. Jovanović, could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Since when did you start to become interested in this breed?

Mr.Jovanović : Good day to you as well. My name is Stefan Jovanovic, I live in Kruševac, Serbia and I’m breeder of Brittany hunting dogs. The interest for this dog breed starts long ago, when I was a kid. Actually, I did grow up with this dogs, because my father was breeder of Brittany dogs as well. As time passed, I got more professional approach on breeding of this dogs, and besides for hunting I start exhibit my dogs on a various dog shows.

Why did you choose this breed?

Mr.Jovanović : As I already mention, I grew up with them and in time I have seen that dogs from this breed are very intelligent, loyal and brave-hearted dogs. They are actually very peaceful but, on the other side, very playful dogs and I must be honest, every second that I spent with them fills my heart with joy. And believe me, they are in a mood for playing 24 hours a day.

Could you please tell us more about this dog breed?

Mr.Jovanović : Brittany Dog is a small sized but with great temper. They really enjoy being loved by their owners, but they also enjoy going out in the nature and running on the fields where they are starting to show their primal instinct – marking the game. While hunting, this dogs fetch and carry the game, no matter on ground or water, they are really good at that. This are one of the cleanest dog breeds, because when they get a little dirty, they always try to find a way to clean themselves.

Did you go on a dog shows with your dogs?

Mr.Jovanović : Of course I do… I go on a dog shows and I’m doing my best to present my dogs in the best way possible and I also present the breed itself in the same manner.

Can you tell us some interesting story that has happened to you on a dog show?

Mr.Jovanović : On the beginning of my dog show career, there was a situation that was both funny and unreal. The dog show has began and the exhibitors started to go inside the ring. I was waiting for my turn and I was talking with some of the other contestants and I didn’t hear that it was my turn. The strange thing was, when that happened, my dog started to bark and to jump, like he knows exactly that it was his turn to go inside the ring. Luckily, I did realized that it is our turn and we went inside the ring. To be honest, we didn’t have any good result that dog show, but even today it is unclear how the dog knows that it was his turn to go inside the ring.

Which dog show will you always remember and why?

Mr.Jovanović : The dog show that I’ll always remember was actually few days ago. There was a specialized dog show for Brittany dogs and Winner, my dog had a quite exceptional success on that dog show. He has won the title “Young Champion”, then he had won “The most beautiful young dog” , “The most beautiful male dog” and at the end he became the Champion of the specialized dog show. On the further contest he had won the 1st place in VII FCI group and in the finals he had won Junior BiS 2nd place, the most beautiful young dog on the exhibition.

Will you recommend the Brittany to our readers and why?

Mr.Jovanović : I would recommend this breed to anyone who wants to have a loyal friend with exceptional temper who shows unconditional love to his owner. This is a good breed for both adults and kids, and while in hunt, with this dog breed you will really have some unforgettable moments.

Thank  you so much Mr.Jovanović for the detailed interview, we would like to wish you great success on future dog shows.