Can dogs eat sushi?


If you like foreign cuisine, especially Japanese, you probably like sushi. It is one of our favourite dishes, so we asked ourselves, “Can dogs eat sushi?”

Can dogs eat sushi?

You have probably noticed that your dog is really happy when you give him some of your food. However, we should make sure that the food we share with them is safe for them. When it comes to sushi, the answer is – it depends. Dogs could eat sushi, but only if it does not contain too many spices and if there are only safe ingredients in it. These are the main things that sushi contains:

Raw fish

Dogs can eat raw fish. However, there is a chance that raw fish contains parasites, especially raw salmon. Raw fish is actually called sashimi and is safe for dogs as long as it is not spicy. The most common fish used in sushi are safe for dogs; tuna, mackerel, and salmon.


Rice is a key ingredient in sushi, and not only is it safe for dogs but it is also very helpful. If dogs have stomach problems, you can feed them plain cooked rice. It will enjoy the taste and is an excellent source of carbohydrates.


Sushi is also made from edible seaweed. Edible algae is actually one of the best foods for humans and dogs. It is considered a super food. The most commonly used seaweed in sushi is nori, and dogs can safely eat it.


Sushi comes with various additives such as avocado, cucumber, green onion, jalapeno, paprika, etc. Some of these supplements are safe for dogs, such as paprika and cucumber, but spicy things should generally be avoided. Dogs cannot tolerate such spicy foods and are generally considered unsafe for them.


One of the best things about sushi is the different sauces that come with it. Unfortunately, these sauces are not safe for dogs. Your dog is likely to get stomach upsets and a severe reaction like vomiting. Some are very salty, and dogs should not eat too salty foods.

What sushi can I give my dog?

If you are completely determined to give sushi to your dog, it is probably a good idea to prepare it at home. So you can be sure to include only things that are really safe for your dog to eat. Restaurants may not tell you everything they’ve included in their recipe, and some may contain things that aren’t safe for dogs.

If you prepare sushi at home, you can use seaweed, fish and rice safe for dogs. It would not be as tasty as the sushi you’d order at a great restaurant, but you can be sure your dog will be absolutely thrilled with his new dietary supplement. Countless sources will give you recipes and proper techniques for making sushi. You just have to be careful not to include ingredients that will harm your dog.

How much sushi can dogs eat?

As with any food that is not necessary for your dog’s diet, you should pay close attention to the amount you share with your dog. Too many good things in this case can be bad. Keep portions small and not too often. Sushi should not play a big role in your dog’s diet. Instead, use it as a rare treat that you can give to your dog. Your average Labrador or German Shepherd can safely eat 1-2 pieces of sushi once a week.

Can sushi be bad for dogs?

Sushi can be bad for dogs in some cases. However, this will largely depend on the amount and ingredients in the sushi you want to give your dog. Raw fish can contain parasites and bacteria, and some of them can be quite bad. Dogs can be allergic to things like avocados, which will cause an allergic reaction.

Should I be aware for some situations?

If you are thinking of giving or sharing sushi with your dog, it would be best to talk to your vet first. He can give you the best possible advice regarding your dog’s diet and habits. He knows your dog’s medical history and limitations. If you have a diabetic dog or a dog with a sensitive stomach, it would be best not to give him sushi.


Sushi is a broad term and includes many recipes. Generally speaking, most of the ingredients that sushi contains are safe for dogs. However, before you share something with your dog, make sure it does not contain ingredients that dogs cannot eat. Keep small portions and never overfeed your dog with things he does not need in his diet. If you suspect sharing sushi with your dog, talk to your vet.


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