Why Do Dogs Fight?

dog fighting

Whether it is small, medium, or large dogs – any dog fighting is dangerous. Dangerous for the participants but also for the owners who, as a rule, get involved in order to prevent a conflict. Every dog, even one that is extremely calm and benevolent by nature, can turn into a real angry beast at some point.

The reasons are extremely different, they depend on many factors, and that is why it is not very easy to develop an efficient system that will prevent a fight. Generally speaking, the most important thing is to get to know the nature of dogs, the rules of their behavior, body language and to be careful and calm when there is a conflict.

Most dog fighting can be prevented before they happen. Dogs send warning signals which, if interpreted correctly, say a lot about their current state of consciousness. If you think the dog has attacked suddenly, think again and remember some signs that you may not have attached importance to. Don’t forget, dogs don’t hide their feelings, everything is very clear and honest with them.

The behavior of dogs is conditioned by numerous factors. Breed predisposition plays an important role but not a crucial one. Some races are considered aggressive, so regulations have been passed that limit their behavior and leadership. According to many experts, this attitude has no justification. Stories that certain races were “genetically engineered” to be extremely aggressive are absolutely incorrect.

Especially when it comes to hated and stigmatized pit bulls, Staffords, Bull Terriers, Dobermans or Rottweilers. If the rule on the historical purpose of certain dogs were strictly applied, then Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Pugs, English Bulldogs and many similar breeds should also belong to this group.

Let us remind you, Pekingese and pugs were created as defensive dogs, and English bulldogs were used in dog fighting! Every dog, regardless of racial predisposition, is a person for himself and the greatest influence on his behavior is actually early socialization with the conditions of keeping in later life. Yes, some dogs will be born with a more pronounced personality and a desire for dominance and the need to impose their will, but all this can be solved with proper upbringing and training.

The most common causes of conflict among dogs are:

– position in the pack
– defense of the territory
– primacy in mating
– childbirth defense
– struggle for food
– Fear
– owner defense

Conflicts occur in nature, during a joint stay in dog parks, but also in homes with more dogs. Almost all of the reasons we have listed are deeply ingrained in the nature of every dog. Despite the long history of living together with humans and domestication, instinctive behavior still has a great influence on the overall behavior of dogs.

If we accept that, it will be incomparably easier to understand many of their actions. It is early socialization that involves learning behaviors in relation to other animals and humans that is very important in the process of preparing for life in an urban environment.

Puppies that have grown up without a mother, those who are separated from their families early or trained too early to guard people, objects, or animals will often develop behavioral mechanisms that are much more similar to their wild ancestors, which means sometimes unreasonable and incomprehensible aggression.

Of course, the extremely inhuman and criminal activities of dog breeders for illegal dog fighting must be added. Any intentional teaching of a dog to behave aggressively towards other animals should be severely sanctioned. We must not forget the reaction of dogs that were abused and physically tortured in some part of their lives. The fear they develop from people who have abused them is also a trigger for aggressive behavior even towards other dogs.

Dog fighting that start around a female that is ready to mate are relatively easy to prevent and resolve. Sterilization of females or castration of males will lead to dogs losing interest in mating, so there will be no reason to fight. Hormonal changes brought by estrus in females sometimes cause more aggressive behavior towards other females, so this is a good reason for sterilization, especially if it is not an individual intended for breeding.

So, the stories that only males fight are not entirely true. Females become especially protective of childbirth, so even then the risk of conflict increases. If there are frequent conflicts over food in a home with several dogs – the solution is simple. Provide them with separate dining rooms.

What is extremely important when it comes to conflicts between dogs is the behavior of people. If you want to prevent conflict, do so by thinking about your safety first. A dog in a fight will not listen to you. Simply, then all he has in mind is a fight. Knowing the character and behavior of your dog is most important in preventing fights. If you notice signs of aggression in your or another dog in the environment, do everything to avoid conflict. Retreat – it is not a sign of cowardice but a smart decision that is to prevent many dangerous consequences.


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