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Puppy Disease

Puppy Disease – Cause, Symptoms, Vaccine, and Treatment

Puppy (Latin name - Febris catarrhalis infections canum), is a highly contagious disease that affects several organ systems and belongs to the group of...
dog car accident

Guide: What to Do if You Hit Dog While Driving

Whether the car accident happened on the street, on a country road, or on an open road, do not panic and run out of...
dogs eat horse meat

Can dogs eat horse meat?

Should dogs eat horse meat? Proponents of this food in the pet bowl claim that it is high-quality nutritional value meat. Still, a good...
Dog Safety

Dog Safety Tips : How to Keep Your Dog Safe

When we speak about Dog Safety, dog owners will do everything to keep safe their pets. Being a responsible and dedicated dog owner also...
sheltie shetland sheepdog

Exclusive Interview About Shetland Sheepdog with Ms. Martina Ossola

We wanted to know more Shetland Sheepdog dog, and we have asked Ms. Martina Ossola, long-time dog trainer, dog sitter and breeder give us...
Dog Afraid Vet

Is Your Dog Afraid of the Vet? Read This What to Do

Some dogs feel less and some more afraid of unforeseen events around them. Fear is a natural occurrence and it is linked to the...

Mops, the dog that bite Napoleon !

Only the name of mops or pag speak enough about the nature of the race, actually the nature did not endow this race with...
dog food

Feed your loving dog on a healthy way !

Over time, you may wish to reward your dog with delicacy or to store some home-made food or to completely remove the granules. What...
Dog Grooming

How much you need to groom them,and how often…

That will depend on their breed and coat type,but it's important to remember that dog grooming isn't just about keeping them beautiful - it...
raw food

Raw Food – Raw Truth !

We want our dogs to not eat junk for dinner. They’re our “kids” and we love them. Recently, Dr. Wendy King of Spears Creek...