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dogs in movies

How are Dogs Trained to Act in Movies?

How are Dogs Trained to Act in Movies?Can dogs be attributed to something like "acting talent" at all, or is it just a very...

Top 5 Dogs from Horror Movies

It is nothing new that we are melting over classic dog movies, but today we are doing something way different. We have made our...

Best 5 Movie Dogs of All Time

Who is the most strongest and smartest and best dog every? Of course, it’s your dog. Your dog is the best in the world...

Dog Friendly Movie Premiere at York Cinema

In order to celebrate the release of a new film called “Isle of Dogs” a York cinema has announced it’s first dog-friendly screening. Wes Anderson’s...

Best Dog Movies that Everyone Should Watch…

Is there anyone who doesn’t love dog movies? Of course, the genre could vary but you must admit that the on-screen bond between the...
Dogs Eat Popcorn

Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

Can Dogs Eat Popcorn? A night on the couch, watching movies and sharing popcorn is one of those “little pleasures” that life offers us...

Common Health Problems for Popular Dog Breeds

Unfortunately, overproduction of dogs and irresponsible breeders have led to the fact that today the most popular breeds of dogs - German Shepherd, Golden...

10 Facts About Boxers

Boxers are often described as clowns and eternal puppies, but everyone who has even met them knows that these big dogs have an even...
dog car accident

Guide: What to Do if You Hit Dog While Driving

Whether the car accident happened on the street, on a country road, or on an open road, do not panic and run out of...
Dog Breeds don't smell

Dog Breeds That Don’t Smell or Stink

Who are the dog breeds that don't Smell? Those who have a dog know how great that love for them is. Our favorite tufts...