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Finnish Spitz

Finnish Spitz

The origin of the Finnish Spitz is unknown. However, it is known that hundreds of years ago, dogs similar to this breed were used...
Dog Anxiety

Dog Anxiety

Anxiety in dogs is a common occurrence in both younger and older dogs. Depending on the type of dog anxiety you can use various...
Longest Living Dogs breeds

Top 12 Longest Living Dogs Breeds

Who are the Longest living dogs breeds? Statistically, most dogs live between 10 and 13 years? Some owners are lucky enough for their dog...
sheltie shetland sheepdog

Exclusive Interview About Shetland Sheepdog with Ms. Martina Ossola

We wanted to know more Shetland Sheepdog dog, and we have asked Ms. Martina Ossola, long-time dog trainer, dog sitter and breeder give us...
dogs sixth sense

Do dogs have a sixth sense?

Do dogs have a sixth sense? Many pet owners are reluctant to swear that their pet is predicting a storm or a state of...
Basset Hound

Basset Hound

Basset Hound belongs to a hunting dog breed and its very good seeker. He wanders off because he has it in his blood, finds...
Best Dog Breeds kids

Top 15 Best Dog Breeds for Kids

Who are the best dog breeds for kids? When you have kids and you want to choose the ideal dog breed as a pet,...

Sarah the dog who whimpering like never before

As a diabetic, I occasionally have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and for years, ever since it happened in the during the night, my Sarah...
bark meaning

What does your dog’s different bark mean?

Dogs usually bark for several reasons: when they want to warn, when they feel bored , when they are upset or stressed, and sometimes...

Mops, the dog that bite Napoleon !

Only the name of mops or pag speak enough about the nature of the race, actually the nature did not endow this race with...