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Fungal Infections in Dogs

Fungal Infections in Dogs

Like humans, dogs can get fungal infections of the skin, but they can also affect the internal organs. Fungal infections of the skin are...
Dogs Dead Tail

What is a Dead Tail in Dogs?

What is a Dead Tail in Dogs? Dogs constantly use their tails. Whether it is long or short, it serves to express their emotions....
Dogs Napoleon Syndrome

Does Small Dogs have Napoleon Syndrome?

Does Small Dogs have Napoleon Syndrome? Symptoms of small dog syndrome include disobedience to commands, an attempt to take over the events in the...
Fungal Infections in Dogs

Cholesterol in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs can have high cholesterol, but the reasons for the formation of cholesterol and its consequences are different for dogs and...
Stomatitis in dogs

Stomatitis in dogs

The mouth, as the initial part of the digestive tract, is often exposed to a variety of adverse effects and is therefore often the...
dog cheating

Are They Cheating Us?

Our little pets are intelligent beings, and accordingly - cunning. That is why by often manipulating the feelings of the owners, they can provide...
Do Dogs Cry

Do Dogs Cry?

Do Dogs Cry? You may assume that your dog is sad when you see his eyes full of tears, but that doesn't have to...
Dog trembling

Dog trembling – Why Dog Tremble and What To Do?

Dog trembling. If you own a dog, then you may have faced having your dog tremble. The causes of this phenomenon may be different,...
Dog Anxiety

Dog Anxiety

Anxiety in dogs is a common occurrence in both younger and older dogs. Depending on the type of dog anxiety you can use various...
can dogs eat peanuts

Can dogs eat peanuts?

The short answer is yes, dogs can eat peanuts, but there are some big exceptions and things to know before feeding your dog with...