Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu and Akita are some of the oldest breeds of dogs and are native to Japan. Shiba is well known for her temperament, small straight ears and specific white patterns on her body. It is one of the most popular dogs in Japan and then in the United States.


– Male dogs of this breed can reach a height of 35 to 42 centimeters
– Female dogs of this breed can reach a height of 33 to 41 centimeters
– Male dogs of this breed can reach a weight of 8 to 11 kg
– Female dogs of this breed can reach a weight of 6 to 8 kg

Shiba Inu has a curled tail, a sharp nose, small ears, and tiny eyes. People often say that this breed of dog looks like a velvet toy. Their bodies are firm and muscular. The chest is deep and reaches to the joints. The ears are small and slightly forward. The fur is short, straight and with a soft inner layer. The most common colors of fur are red, red-white, sesame color, black, top-yellow and black-and-white variants. The lifespan of these dogs can range from 12 to 14 years.


Due to its independence, this breed of dog is easy to train. Socialization is a process in which small puppies learn how to be friendly and cooperate with other dogs and people, and training should begin as early as possible.

Shiba is a particularly intelligent dog and that is why we need to make her think that obedience is her idea. For best results, it is best to train with a professional trainer who understands race independence.

Training with a cage is a great home training and is literally useful for any breed of dog and it is also the best way to make sure that no unpleasant situation occurs. A cage is a place where the dog can retreat and rest. However, you should know that Shinu should not be kept locked in a cage all day because the cage should not serve as a prison but as a means of training.

They are intelligent and learn quite quickly, but sometimes due to their stubbornness, they can be a challenge for the owners when it comes to training.


Shiba Inu is generally a healthy breed of dog but there are possible health conditions you should be familiar with. If you are buying a dog, find a reputable breeder who will show you that the dog’s parents have been tested for certain farewells. In this breed of dog, look for confirmation that the dog does not have hip dysplasia, elbows, hypothyroidism, and confirmation from an ophthalmologist that the eyes are in normal condition.


This breed of dog is especially clean and constantly licks its fur so that it can be easy for the owner to maintain. Regular brushing is required at least once a week.

You should have your ears checked once a week to see if they are full of dirt, redness, and the like, which could indicate a possible infection. Use PH balanced ear cleaners to prevent potential problems.

The dog’s teeth should be brushed two to three times a week to remove harmful plaque and bacteria. If you decide to brush your dog teeth daily, Shiba Inu will not have any problems.


When it comes to diet, they are not as picky as some breeds, but they are often hungry and upset if they do not have the food they need. They belong to one of the healthiest and oldest breeds of dogs. If you decide to give him granules, do not buy them in large quantities, but consult your veterinarian and the person who works in a pet store first.

This means that you need to explain to these people what your dog looks like physically, that is, whether he is taller or shorter and whether he is male or female. You should give your food in a defined dose every day. If the dog’s ribs are seen, it is malnourished and if the ribs are not seen, then it has a normal weight.

Shiba Inu Puppies


Shiba small puppies are of good temperament. They are quite curious and playful and are ready to approach people. Choose a puppy that is not scary or too playful and temperamental. Always meet one of the puppy’s parents to make sure it has a good character that suits you. Never adopt or buy a puppy of this breed that comes from an untested kennel.


Shiba comes from Japan, more precisely from the family of artichoke spitz. All breeds have the Inu suffix in their name which means dog in Japanese. These are Akita, Nippon Inu or Hokkaido Inu and Shiba Inu.

Shiba in translation means small, so the name Shiba Inu means little dog. Initially, this breed of dog was bred to hunt small game, and today it is considered one of the most popular breeds of dogs in Japan. During World War II, this breed had a really big problem with extinction. After the war, the breed moved to some remote villages and development programs were established there as well.

The Japanese Kennel Club was founded in 1948 and the standard of this breed is defined by Nihon Ken Hozonka. An American family first brought this breed of dog to the United States in 1954.


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